If I do not find your question answered on this page,
please feel free to contact me personally.
How can I pay?
I use PayPal and 2 Checkout as my payment processors, so we accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.
Or, you can pay using your PayPal balance.
Is your site secure?
Yes. payments through PayPal or 2 Checkout are both secure. I will not see your confidential information, only your mailing address.
The credit card processor handles the financial transaction between us, as a protective mechanism for both buyer and seller.
Do I have to have a PayPal account to buy?
No, you can pay with your credit card without a PayPal account.
Do you accept custom orders?
Yes, please contact me via email with your request.
See my Shop Policies page for more details.
Can I reserve an item?
I consider reserve requests on a case by case basis. Only serious buyers please.
Do you do art and craft shows?
It is no longer practical for me to do art and craft shows. I have done them
for several years throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin. I now sell exclusively online.
in my webstore and also in my Etsy shop, Chrysalis Too, and more recently on Amazon Handmade.

I work from my home studio in suburban Minneapolis with my trusty staff,
Alejandro (a mischievous Maine Coon cat), and my Irish Wolfhound Fionnagán.